Malaria Research Group
South African Medical Research Council
+27 31 203 4852



Sponsorship Opportunities

The SAMRC Malaria Research Group has been successful in hosting the malaria research conference since 2015. The conference provides academics, governmental and corporate stakeholders with a platform to showcase their research, developments, products, and protocols that are geared towards the eradication of malaria in southern Africa.

We invite organisations to partner with us in this year’s conference and consider funding the event that would host approximately 100 delegates.

Sponsorship Information

Sponsors will have a unique opportunity to:

  • highlight your organisations developments in the industry
  • gather information from scientists at the forefront of the elimination agenda in southern Africa
  • contribute towards continuing professional development
  • share best practice and network with colleagues.

Sponsors will also have various options of promoting their organisation online during the conference. Included in the sponsorship fee will an option to either display the organisation logo or products or show a short video clip of the services/products/activities or a combination during the break in sessions. The sponsorship will also entitle the organisations to promote their products during the conference.

For further information regarding sponsorship packages kindly contact Vishan Lakan: Vishan.lakan@mrc.ac.za


Malaria Elimination Goal


SADC Countries


Annual Conferences held since 2015


1st Conference